12 March 2012

A Darwin Update

Someone continues to be petrified of riding in the car ... even on the way to fun doggie day care.

Check out the video I took of him shaking on our way to camp!

He isn't so bad on the way home... probably because he's so tired.

And after a full day of playing with his buddies, he's out for the evening!  And yes, this lasts for a few hours.

Here's a recap of the routine after a day at camp:
1. Nap for 30 minutes -1 hour,
2. Get off the couch and stretch in "down dog" and "up dog" poses,
3. Check things out, go to the bathroom, etc. (play time occurs for a bit if he can muster the energy),
4. Get back on the couch for another 30 minutes - 1 hour nap,
5. Continue the process from 7pm - bedtime (11ish).

It is so funny to see him during his "REM" sleep.  Sometimes he breathes real heavy, and then gives short huffing noises through his jowls.  You can usually see his eyes moving under his closed eyelids.  And his body typically experiences some serious twitching.  Like a baby, it's amusing to watch him in deep sleep.

Day camp is worth the $23 to have a day where puppy energy is released and we have an "evening off."  

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - our puppy is our child.  I've cleaned up his vomit and diarrhea, been woken up in the middle of the night with his barking, enjoyed snuggling on the couch together, and look forward to picking him up from day care once a week!  I know children give people great joy (even through the tribulations), but there are so many similarities between children and dogs (especially puppies)!

PS - I don't want to jinx it, but 1 week on new dog food and we haven't experienced an upset stomach.  Keeping my fingers crossed that this pattern continues!!

Any suggestions for improving his comfort in the car??

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